Monday, September 24, 2007


Well myself and Chris Pinnitt Bennett, Tim the freshmen, Danny i am really tall, Tristan team america soon to be captain america, Charlie the dog, and Herndog decided to do a little pump track. We did the normal kill session on the track, tristan team america soon to be captain america was killing it cross country style it was awsome. He was even to fast for the cameras! All in all we had a good session getting cut off by the dark. We had it all from sweet speed laps to loop outs, mine especially loopy nearly breaking my back i hit so hard. Pump track was as awsome as always! I guess you could say it was a flow experience! PUMP TRACK is a secert love in my life!











Sunday, September 23, 2007


Headed to Hobby Park with Danny I am really Tall, Chris Bennett Pinnitt, and Sexy! It was an awsome race here are the stats.....

Single Speed
1st - Gattis Tyler
2nd - Chris Bennett Pinnitt
8th - Danny I Am Really Tall

Dual Slalom
4th Chris Bennett Pinnit

Womens Pro/Expert XC 19-29
3rd - Sexy!

Mens sport XC
8th - Jimmy

We killed it across the board representing the 828!
And now some sweet pics for your viewing pleasure!

A rough looking bunch!

Single speed racing at its finest!

Go Sexy!


Me and Sexy!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


S-Works had a lot of work to do yesterday, so me and some of the decided to go to the bmx track to work on our skills. Me and Chris Pinnitt Bennett, and Dan I am really tall, and Tim the Freshman, and Tristin Team America head to THE HENDO FROM BREVARD. Every wed they have gate practice and allow college punks like ourselves to pay a heavy two dollar fee to watch 11 year old kids ride bikes smoother faster and better than we can. Its awsome. I get around hitting a double or two, but its rougher than a date with Wes Dickson if you knonw what i mean. Anyways we stay till dark killing the track in a figurative sense. Playing on the single speeds until it was practically dark. We then close the night with a hearty helping of chick fila! AWSOME! I love my life, but i did miss not having S-Works with us tonight even to just hang out with. Oh well hopefeully he will be free to join us for the thursday night group ride.

PS bmx is awsome!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A little Dupont Never Hurt Anybody

Me and S-WORKS rounded up the troops(Chris Pinnitt Bennett, Dan I am really tall, and Tristin Team America) for a ride out in ole Dupont territory. We headed out to Burnt Mtn. first. Me and S-Works killed the downhill floating over the drops like they were nothing. NOTE TO SELF FILL FRAME AND WHEELS WITH HELIUM TO HELP BIKE FLOAT! We then headed towards big rock and cedar rock another favorite, i believe the climb is what i love about this trial the most. S-Works had no problem climbing, but i couldn't keep up with him he was just straight killing it dropping everyone on the way up. the downhill was alright some idiots decided that part of the trail needed maintnence and tried redoing the trail making it not flow very well so what was once a fast descent has turned into being an akward one, but still enjoyable i guess. We then headed to the rock quary and looped back to the parking lot. after all in all it was a chill fun ride with good friends having great times. Me and S-Works are really becoming great friends as well. It is wierd Me and S-Works are starting to know each other so well that we are finishing each others sentences. Its the funniest thing to hear. Best Buds for life we are!

PS single speed challenge is coming up
Hobby Park Winston Salem
so all challengers need to watch out,
because I am coming with a wicked
force of vengence so
Clowns Beware!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Stress Reliever

Well i have been backed up with school work the past few nights. In fact i have been working on the computer for a few hours and that is hard for an add kid like myself. Finally after getting home at 1230 i got a call from S-Works seeing if i wanted to go for a late night cruise. Of course i was up for it. So we strolled around Brevard talking about our days and contemplating the stars. oh yea hitting a drop or two, if you know what i mean. Sexy was in her room for the night so i chilled with my boy for about an hour just being a couple of dude's. It was a great way to finish a stress full day. Thanks S-Works for being a friend in a time of need.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Great Day For A Ride!

First of all I will start you with a little 411 I just got a new bike, which is a S-Works Carbon epic!
It is awsome and it makes me happy! And now the rest of the story . . . .
Well today was a gorgeous day here in small town Brevard NC. With all intentions of giving my new friend S-Works an awsome first ride I head out into Pisgah with the guys, Victor my roomate from Moldova, Chris Pinnit Bennet, Matt Horse Tamer, Tim The Freshman, and last but not least Danny I am really tall. Being the ring leader I suggest we head towards the fish haterchery to ride, and so we do. We queer gear up and head towards 475b where we start our climb to the infamous caney bottum. Straight outta the gates Pinnit Bennet is on the gas single speeding and giving it hell as matt, riding crop in hand, tries to real him in unsuccesfully. Finally we arrive at the trail head passing some hippie bikers on the climb up, they stunk like patruli. Leading off on the descent I take off with S-Works Killing it OH YEA, it felt sexy and trust me I know sexy, we have been dating for a while me and sexy. Half way down caney bottum we decide to take the daniel ridge extension trail to daniel's ridge. It was overgrown and it was kinda scratchy. Finally we descend what happens to be one of my most favorite trails in pisgah and of course I stop to do the sweet rock drop with all eyes upon me and S-Works to preforme some sweet big air. We did. We continued to kill the down hill to 475 where victor my roomate from Moldova split to go home for Bonking reasons. We then climbed up to glouchester gap and headed towards butter gap, Reaching optimum speed towards butter of approx 36 mph. ASWSOME! We then killed butter gap while dragging bonking tim the freshman through the mud as he continuously crashed and burned. Luckily for him I am a generous super senior who gifted him a clif bar to better his mood on the climb up long brach back to the hatchery. It was an epic first ride that had signs of great things to come, as long as Pinnit Bennet lays of the EPO and single speeding. Looks like Gattis and S-Works are turning out to be great friends!