Sunday, March 30, 2008

Bike Racing and Babies!

I definitly shook it more than twice!

Gatling Gun!

This is what 5th place looks like!

My new home girl!

A Motley Crue!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Whats with these nuts? They were ASSAULTed!

Gearing up for the RACE . . . I mean RIDE!

and the award for best dressed goes to . . .

and they are off!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Real Gangstas Gone Riding!

Gatling Gun

G Rated


Me and the boys took a last minute road trip to do some mountain bike racing in Florida, wierd huh! Nothing but good times, top priority - KEEPING IT REAL! We all finished our race, enough said. Jenna Walker hyphen Bales joined us for the race, I wanna Give a shout out to her mom for hooking it up with the feeds so HOLLA! It was a whirl wind of a trip, now that we are back in the Hood of Brevard it is time to get ready for our next adventure, who knows!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Double G - gattis gatling or greenville greensboro

the weekend started off with a saturday morning road race in Greenville SC with the Boys. Pinnitt Bennett got fourth, Gatling Gun the work horse finshed 6th, I spelll my name with one M Jimy got 7th, and Horse Jockey was off the back. Not the best showing but we still had three in the top ten. KOP, king of pisgah, came later for some action and finished fifth. The race was a neat course finishing on a big hill climb where Pinnitt's father Danger Dan was posted taking glamour shots of the Sycamore Team. We stopped at Crackel Barrell on the way home for a Gangsta Hopping good time. Upon returning through the Hendo to Brevard, I packed up to head to Greensboro for a night with the sponsors. We hung out with some other parts of our family and did some family bonding Applebees style. The next day I tried going on a mountain bike ride from my sponsors neighborhood to Burmil park. It was an interesting trail, pretty flat and rooty with a lot of down trees and a lot of bridges.

My ride was cut short due to a flat making me walk a few miles to meet up with the sponsors who graciously morphed into my support team to pick up the pieces of my ride and return me home.

So far my mountain biking in Greensboro have been a flat and a race i got lost during about a year ago, hopefully third time will be a charm. Until then keep it upright!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Trainers out the window!

Its almost time to get rid of those stupid trainers for some fun in the sun! Hell we have had everyone doing trainer workouts ......

...The Good...

...The BAD...

...and The Ugly!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Secret Training!

I just got done doing some secret training, although I can't reveal time place or any other information. In fact I should not of even done this post.

Beware, Im coming for ya........

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Well it has been an interesting couple of days, full of all kinds of emotions some good some bad and some ugly. The RBR boys had a long weekend so thursday and friday were full of none stop fun in the sun, killing it up and down ridgeline. Saturday headed down for a road race in greenvile SC with Horse Tamer, I spell my name with one m Jimy, Pinnitt, and myself Gatling Gun. We ended up finishing 1 2 3 4, Awsome. We were all super stoked to have finished that way. Me and Pinnitt and Jimy were still ready to ride so we hit up some long branch and caney bottum action when we returned. Sunday was an all day'er in Dupont for myself, meeting up with Pinnitt half way through my day. The rest of Sunday has been blurred out of my memory, but I was woken up on monday by the best damn sponsors a guy could have. They will pick a guy up off the floor and sober him up and put a smile on his face with no problem. I have learned a lot about myself in the past few days and got some much needed motivation. I got some pics of some of the happenings from the past few days to share. Enjoy!

PS - these pictures are not scratch and sniff

Pinnitts panthertown double

UMM WELL Pinnitt!

Conservation road

Long day of riding

Don't put your bike on his trailer

made from scratch

Fantastic Four!