Thursday, December 20, 2007

Self Portrait!

Gatling Gun!


It is final, Gattis Gatling Tyler is now a college graduate.

The final grades:
SPA 105 01 Elementary Conversation &Civilization
WLEE 340 01 Outdoor Program Administration
WLEE 402 01 Ethics of Wilderness Leadership,Experiential Education, &Exercise Leadership
WLEE 405 01 Seminar: Open Topics

My overall GPA 2.436

I have only two words to say, AWSOME!

Now me and S-Works are going to crack open some Bud Lights and party like rockstars and wake up to take on the next mission, GETTING A JOB!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Finally Awsome!

Maxxis Advantage - $50
Waiting for Wes to order the tire - 1 Month
The amount of people it takes to try and put on a tubless tire - 2 (Gattis and Steven)

Being Able to ride S-Works again - Priceless (Awsome)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Week till i graduate. Went to florida for motocross awsomeness. Saw sweet wrecks and crashes. Awsome red bull freeness, i had like 60 in a week and took 40 for home. Built Lemco Eddie pump track still wroking it in. Pinnitt hit a 20 foot gap on his bike. Did i mention i am about to graduate. We got Xbox 360 and Halo 3 soo video gaming is back in the hobby list. riding bikes is fun. S-Works has a bad tire and waiting to feel better before S-Works starts riding again. And Kyle hit a parked trialer on his bike .... AWSOME. Oh yea one more thing Julius Peppers is missing his pants so if anyone knows where they are he really wants them back.

Gatling Gun

PS if anyone has a job for me that would be nice, because i dont have one and would really like to get one