Hello America, today I participated in an event held by the AES, Arizona Endurance Series, called the rocky road 50/50. A 50 Mile mtn bike gnar sesh followed by a 50 mile road ride. I headed it out with my new bike on the back of the truck, Redline Conquest Team, and ole faithful . I got there about 5:15 and we headed out at 6, we had a small group of three but we were all eager to shred. We climbed and powered through some rough terrain i had yet to see in tucson. It was awesome.... We ended on what was referred to as Milagrosa a true Gnar Bone. Story Short I rode for almost 6 hours, about two with out water, 50 miles 3 packs of shot blocks, and didn't even attempt to start the road part of the ride due to cramps and dehydration, yes I had to DNF. It was a fun ride none the less I was just a little unprepared i feel. The rest of my day I have spent rolling around in bed and on the couch infront of the TV trying to recover.......
It was a hella ride!
Caution, to many doses can be leathal!
50 miles of mtn and THEN 50 miles of road?! And people say that I am crazy for riding over 100 miles of road...
Gattis, Gattis, Gattis......ttis
I'm sorry to hear you DNFed. As the official Moldovan ambassador to the US of A, I have to let you know we are deducting some Moldovan Oxen Points (MOP); 5 MOPs for the 50 miles you did not ride.
Normally we deduct 1 MOP for 1 mile, but considering that road biking is $ay we are only taking away 5 MOPs.
You are very close to receiving your personal OXEN.
Keep up the good work, The Great Nation of Moldova is watching you closely.
See you at our next one... APC? January 25!
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