BRAIN flat!
Everyone took turns scredding especially Richard the Tokin ripped a few on the cross bike. Very impressive...
TOKIN Richard!
Chris Ramathorn won the award for the most carnage, from both pilling it up on the 7 bitches and being attacked by the killer cholla. Hats off to him because it really takes a man to break down and cry out in pain infront of his friends, although sobbing for as long as he did was considered excessive...heck i had one stick on me that night and I was completly fine and took it - no pain style!
Ramathorn + Cholla = baby....
After a great night ride I followed up the next day with another awesome shred at the chutes with Free Jibbin Kyle. We ripped on the street bikes hardcore style!
Get Some Kyle!
The Motor
Chutes and Ladders
Gatling Gun got lots of good riding this week America just to follow it up with an explosive Halloween. A shop policy we have at Fair Wheel Bikes is that we don't service electric motored bikes, and for a good reason. Well Ralph decided against this the other day, and so being the owner we said nothing. Friday before lunch we were charging the battery for the electric powered bike when, in the words of Coach Louter, BOOM! The dang ole engine battery blew up in the shop. Well to keep the short story short, after knocking over an old lady and two children and throwing a puppy on the fire to smoother it I was the first out the door. We had a few fire trucks, who were not as responsiver as a NC volunteer fire department member, but none the less took care of the fire and we were back to work in about and hour and a half! Hell yea...
Living the dream and shenanigans!
PS - no one was hurt in the fire at the shop except for the old lady and the two children i pushed out of the way to escape the fire, and we are not sure what happened to the puppy!
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