Yea America, Its my day off and since I still can't ride im bored and taking pictures of my food .... just to let you know! I have been thinking that I need another hobby besides bikes so that way I can kill time while im not riding. Only thing is that what ever hobby I chose to take up my none bike riding time needs to be something equally or more awesome than biking..... Please submit any and all suggestions in the comment box of the blog ..... They will all be counted for and my second hobby will chosen at a later date! Help Gatling Gun fill his free time America ..... We call this Interactive Gattis! AWESOME!
You Stay Gassy America!
I need to start shipping my bikes out there, so you could spend your time assembling and caring for them. And since you are handicapped I don't have to worry about you riding my downhill rig...
Another thought: speed cup stacking.
naked juggling
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