Me and S-WORKS rounded up the troops(Chris Pinnitt Bennett, Dan I am really tall, and Tristin Team America) for a ride out in ole Dupont territory. We headed out to Burnt Mtn. first. Me and S-Works killed the downhill floating over the drops like they were nothing. NOTE TO SELF FILL FRAME AND WHEELS WITH HELIUM TO HELP BIKE FLOAT! We then headed towards big rock and cedar rock another favorite, i believe the climb is what i love about this trial the most. S-Works had no problem climbing, but i couldn't keep up with him he was just straight killing it dropping everyone on the way up. the downhill was alright some idiots decided that part of the trail needed maintnence and tried redoing the trail making it not flow very well so what was once a fast descent has turned into being an akward one, but still enjoyable i guess. We then headed to the rock quary and looped back to the parking lot. after all in all it was a chill fun ride with good friends having great times. Me and S-Works are really becoming great friends as well. It is wierd Me and S-Works are starting to know each other so well that we are finishing each others sentences. Its the funniest thing to hear. Best Buds for life we are!
PS single speed challenge is coming up
Hobby Park Winston Salem
so all challengers need to watch out,
because I am coming with a wicked
force of vengence so
Clowns Beware!
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