First of all I will start you with a little 411 I just got a new bike, which is a S-Works Carbon epic!
It is awsome and it makes me happy! And now the rest of the story . . . .
Well today was a gorgeous day here in small town Brevard NC. With all intentions of giving my new friend S-Works an awsome first ride I head out into Pisgah with the guys, Victor my roomate from Moldova, Chris Pinnit Bennet, Matt Horse Tamer, Tim The Freshman, and last but not least Danny I am really tall. Being the ring leader I suggest we head towards the fish haterchery to ride, and so we do. We queer gear up and head towards 475b where we start our climb to the infamous caney bottum. Straight outta the gates Pinnit Bennet is on the gas single speeding and giving it hell as matt, riding crop in hand, tries to real him in unsuccesfully. Finally we arrive at the trail head passing some hippie bikers on the climb up, they stunk like patruli. Leading off on the descent I take off with S-Works Killing it OH YEA, it felt sexy and trust me I know sexy, we have been dating for a while me and sexy. Half way down caney bottum we decide to take the daniel ridge extension trail to daniel's ridge. It was overgrown and it was kinda scratchy. Finally we descend what happens to be one of my most favorite trails in pisgah and of course I stop to do the sweet rock drop with all eyes upon me and S-Works to preforme some sweet big air. We did. We continued to kill the down hill to 475 where victor my roomate from Moldova split to go home for Bonking reasons. We then climbed up to glouchester gap and headed towards butter gap, Reaching optimum speed towards butter of approx 36 mph. ASWSOME! We then killed butter gap while dragging bonking tim the freshman through the mud as he continuously crashed and burned. Luckily for him I am a generous super senior who gifted him a clif bar to better his mood on the climb up long brach back to the hatchery. It was an epic first ride that had signs of great things to come, as long as Pinnit Bennet lays of the EPO and single speeding. Looks like Gattis and S-Works are turning out to be great friends!